Straight, gay and bi guys from Germany

There’re many males in Germany. Some of them gay, some of them straight and some of them bi. The men of Germany are young as well older. Some like bottom and some like top. Somre were born in Germany but some come from other countries. Here we collected many of them: from twinks to hunks, from tops to bottoms and from straights to gays. Enjoy.


Dominik & Erik
Erik – Role: versatile; bi; 22 Years; 6’1″; 161lbs; from Dortmund
Interests: sports, music, sex
Dominik – Role: versatile; bi; 21 Years; 5’9″; 132lbs; from Brno
Interests: sports, videogames, dvd, chatting

23 years from Berlin
Role: versatile, gay
5’12”, 176 lbs
Cock: 7″
Hobbies: sports, music, politics
Frequents: Berghain, GMF

24 years from Berlin Role: versatile, gay 6’2″, 165 lbs Cock: 7″ Hobbies: music, meeting friends, concerts Frequents: Gym, private parties, Berghain

Role: versatile; bi; 24 Years; 5’10”; 158lbs; from Dresden
Interests: Dancing, Clubs

18 years from Berlin
Role: versatile, gay
6’4″, 154 lbs
Cock: 7″
Hobbies: waveboard, drawing, clubs
Frequents: Flax, GMF

Michal is 24 years of age and hails from Praha

Role: versatile; gay; 19 Years; 5’11”; 158lbs; from Antwerpen
Interests: fitness, swimming, going out, clubs

We don`t know if Toffiks wank in this photoset is in exange for some fancy clothes, but we don`t care, as we get to see this polish young lad wanking his fat uncut boymeat…

19 years from Berlin
Role: versatile, bi
5’9″, 123 lbs
Cock: 7″
Hobbies: biken, skying, football
Frequents: Busche, Ackerkeller

enrico_and_ric_berlin_male_hunk_muscular_stud_action_video_fuck_blow_rim_sperm_cumEnrico Bellagio + Ric Bauer
Enrico Bellagio – Role: versatile, bi
5’9″, 194 lbs
Cock: 8″
Hobbies: fishing, going out, sports
Frequents: Berghain, GMF

Ric Bauer – Role: versatile, bi
5’7″, 169 lbs
Cock: 7″
Hobbies: golf, sports, sex
Frequents: Berghain, GMF, Gym

More German guys here

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