SQUIRTZ, Video Boys, Jeremy Roddick: free gay porn

squirtz-mathieu (1)

Mathieu is a friend of previous Squirtz model Gabriel. And like Gabriel, he is straight, likes sports and all sorts of sex activities with girls. But one thing that makes him unique in his category is that his ambition is to open a beauty salon. Maybe this is some new str8 boy strategy to pick up girls or something. Mathieu is fairly soft spoken and almost seems a bit shy, but based on what he has told us he does pretty well getting the kind of sex he wants.
Mathieu is 21 years old, is 6’0″ tall, weighs 175 lbs and has a 7″ uncut cock.

Videoboys.com - Jessy Karson and Lukas Wild (1)

Jessy Karson and Lukas Wild are out in the woods doing some scouting for their Army Cadet war games. After they set up camp, Jessy goes to take a leak and Lukas is absolutely captivated by Jessy’s magnificent tool. Jessy notices Lukas’ interest and decides to take advantage of it at the first opportunity. Minutes later the two sexy boys are rolling in the grass, cock in mouth, tongue in ass. First Lukas takes Jessy’s massive meat up his tight little ass and then they turn the tables and Jessy bends over while Lukas slams him to orgasm. Three blasting cumshots in this scene.

Squirtz.com - Gabriel (1)

This cute, young aspiring DJ got our attention for a number of reasons but when we saw that bubble butt in his jeans we decided we would do whatever was necessary to get him naked in front of the camera. Gabriel is straight but not the slightest bit put off if a gay guy tries to hit on him. We know he has fucked a girl in the ass so the next logical step is to try a boy, right?
Gabriel is 22 years old, is 5’8″ tall, weighs 135 lbs and has a 7.5″ uncut cock.

Videoboys.com -  Jo and His Sex Toy (1)

Those who have slept with him have told us that Jo is something of a master of the “penetrative arts”. So we asked Jo to give us some tips about how to be a good fucker. Well it turns out that this skill is difficult to describe but pretty easy to demonstrate. So we provided him with a clinical setting and let him do his thing. To our surprise, Jo liked it so much he came twice, one right after the other.

Videoboys.com - Jessy Karson Sucks Himself Off (1)

We have seen enough of Jessy to know that when it comes to pretty much anything related to sex, Jessy has MANY talents. We know exactly what he can do when he has another boy in his clutches. But what options does he have on those rare occasions when he is all alone? Observe Jessy’s private talent: auto-fellatio. He can’t fit that entire massive knob all the way in his mouth but he certainly doesn’t let any of his cum go to waste.

Squirtz.com - Lukas (1)

Lukas is the first a gay truck driver we’ve ever had on Squirtz. Though driving big rigs doesn’t fit the gay stereo-type, Lukas is just one of those guys who has always loved cars, and trucks and just going places in vehicles. But his other passion is for cute twinky guys and also muscle guys and… well actually Lukas is pretty open minded in sex and everything else for that matter. Lukas has a kind of confidence and authenticity that would make him a good leader… and a great boyfriend.
Lukas Wild is 21 years old, is 5’10” tall, weighs 130 lbs and has a 6.5″ uncut cock.

Squirtz.com - Shawn Fernandez (1)

You know what they say about the Portuguese? No? Well I don’t know if Shawn is typical, but we hope so. If your fantasy is huge dicks on a horny latin guy, then Shawn may be just your type. He is mostly straight, but when Shawn is horny he can find pleasure in almost any hole. With guys, however, he seems pretty specific about his type and how he goes about pounding them.
Shawn Fernandez is 22 years old, is 6’2″ tall, weighs 195 lbs and has a 10.5″ uncut cock.

Videoboys.com - Jo and Lukas (1)

We just met Lukas a few days before this scene and we had fallen in love with him right from the start. He is such a sweet, unaffected guy that we were surprised when we found out that beneath that innocent exterior beats the heart of a serious sex fiend. He confessed to a bit of a fantasy for a roll in the hay with a muscular boy and so we called back Jo to take up the challenge. It’s easy to tell that these two hit it off right away, both socially and sexually. Exploding cumshots do not lie.

Jeremy Roddick.com - William Prince and Yuri (3)

Yuri and William Prince were in town for the weekend and I met them in a park not too far from where I usually shoot. They were both waiting for me, sucking on ice pops, enjoying the warm weather.
With their young skater boy looks, these two blue-eyed twinks are simply delicious to watch in action. Their mouths full of boy meat, sucking passionately on each other. And when we thought that they had had enough, Yuri and William treated us to a jack off session that ends with their bellies and chests soaked with cum.

Jeremy Roddick.com - Jeremy Roddick & Nathan Knox (4)

Straight Boys Knows How To Swallow
Nathan Knox is back on the site and is hornier than ever. And for an alleged straight boy, he sure knows how to pleasure a man with his mouth.
This time, he told me he would like to try new tricks in front of the camera: After seeing my explosive cumshot with Ashton, he was determined to swallow it all. Everybody knows I come a lot, and he knew too, but that didn’t stop him from taking it all. You’ll see, the ending is surprising!

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